Dyslexia Test
Take the Dyslexia Screening Test This test in only a simple dyslexia checklist for adults. Comprehensive dyslexia testing by a qualified professional is the best way to make a formal determination.
The reliability of online dyslexia test depends on the attitude of an individual performing it.
Dyslexia test. There are a number of questions throughout the quiz that ask you questions regarding how comfortable you are with reading and writing and other areas. It is extremely important to provide true and real answers. Screening is the first stage in identifying whether a person may have dyslexia.
Please note that the quiz is just to see if you have any traits of dyslexia - it does not diagnose dyslexia. Experts support while creating the online dyslexia test. Any deviations from this rule may result in disrupted results and mistaken indication of the fact whether you are dyslexia or not.
This free secure and confidential screening assessment will give a profile of learning strengths and weaknesses including a. It looks for possible indicators and estimates whether an individual is at risk of having dyslexia. For a more detailed online test check out our partner NEUROLEARNING that has recently released a confidential iPad-based test.
Our dyslexia quiz helps to see if you have any traits of dyslexia.
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